CAWU cooperated with the German ZIVIK-peacebuilding project which is a civil society conflict resolution programme funded by the German Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (
IFA). The project is an effort to encourage social relations that limit the escalation of conflict and helps to repair communities in the aftermath.
The project collected data, primarily from Arab-West Report and through field visits and interviews, which has produced the paper listed below. These were the Izbet Bushra case study where inter-communal tensions erupted following a dispute over church building and the attacks on the Abū Fānā Monastery in Minya.
Nesrin Goma'a, NGO activist and Friend of CAWU
and Sawsan Gabra, President of CAWU
Based on the philosophy of ZIVIK, two workshops were conducted which sought to instill these values in the Egyptian media and NGOs.
Through the lens of these values, the project has studied and commented on the conflict in Nag Hamadi in which six Christians were killed exiting church on Coptic Christmas Eve.

At the first forum of the Anna Lindh Foundation, held in Barcelona, March 4-7, 2010, the ZIVIK Peacebuilding Project was recommended as one of the best practices in the category of dialogue along with News Service Middle East by Search for Common Ground and IPEACE by INFOGROUP International.
At the forum we
presented our methodology to over seven hundred representatives of various civil society initiatives.
Gianluca Solera, network coordinator Anna Lindh Egypt and former political adviser to the European Parliament, commented that our project was unique in its combination of dialogue promotion and media monitoring.
Based on the knowledge obtained through participation in the ZIVIK peacebuilding programme, CAWU, with support of Initiatives of Change organised in June 2011
two workshops on conflict resolution with the Nigerian Imam and Pastor James Wuye.
A proposal was made to set up a conflict resolution program based on previous experiences, but it turned out to be hard in the second half of 2011 to obtain a permit from the Ministry of Social Solidarity which was a prerequisite for funding.
In their work, several interns have benefited from the previous experience acquired through the ZIVIK peacebuilding project.
Read our report
Read our report based extensively on studies conducted at the following locations -
Abu Fana,
Izbet Bushra and
Nag Hamadi - and reviewed by Dr. Bahā’ Bakrī, Sameh Fawzy, and Amin Makram Ebeid.