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'A Project With and about Women in Egypt' Training Session (July 2014)

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Left: Eman and Aya practicing interviewing
Right: Marwa and Shaimaa practicing how an interview would go in Sohag
On April 18 and 19, a two-day training session was conducted for the project: A project with and about women in Egypt, post 25 January Revolution. The training took place in the office of Center for Arab-West Understanding, located in Maadi, and the aim was to develop theskills and tools of our assistants to enable them to conduct academic interviews and facilitate participatory, inclusive workshops among Egyptian women from several different factions of the highly fragmented Egyptian society. 
Peter Hervik, the project leader and professor at Aalborg University (AAU) in Denmark, travelled to Maadi to facilitate the training jointly with Mette Toft Nielsen (author), who is the daily coordinator for AAU in Egypt.
Read the report by Mette Toft Nielsen on Arab-West Report.